In a recent e-mail exchange with the general manager of Apex, an interesting new development was made known.
Apex president Nanta Tansacha has applied to the "Architectural Society" - which I'm guessing is the abbreviated title of "
The Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage" - to have the
Scala Theatre certified as architecturally/historically signifigant. The certification will be made in April or May.
No further details were made available.
If this designation comes to fruition, it ought to make it illegal to demolish the Scala.
Still no word about the Lido.
The tropical deco facade of the Scala.
View of imperial staircase, lower lobby
Rotating poster case beside imperial staircase, with five-tiered chandelier in background.
Concession stand
Lobby views
Above the door to the auditorium, a 50 foot long bronze relief depicting Asian civilizations.
The 1000 seat auditorium during the premiere of a locally-produced skateboarding movie held at the Scala in 2009.
You'd have to mentally ill to bring this down.
seat U5 at scala is my favorite spot. Thanks for providing such a great blog.