The Hawaii Theater stands amid the constant bustle of Charoen Rat Road, in the Wong Wian Yai section of Bangkok.
Showing today: Chinese, Japanese and Western Films
It might not look like much today, but the
Hawaii Theater was once a state-of-the-art cinema, one of the few in Thailand to feature an escalator in the lobby. Time and a lack of tender loving care, however, have taken their toll. Most of the neighborhood residents I spoke to didn't even realize that the
Hawaii is still open, stealthily showing pornography to cover its costs. In fact, when I visited the
Hawaii at 9:00 o'clock on a Saturday morning, there was already a group of customers lounging around in the lobby awaiting their fix of smut. An off-duty cab driver, sipping from a bottle of white whiskey while sitting on a milk crate in the lobby, explained that "society thinks of us as criminals. It's against the law to do what we do. But you know what, buddy? We come here, we do what we do, and when it's all done, everything is better."
A bit of insight into the mind of the sexually deviant.
A noodle vendor along with some other businesses have set up shop in the lower lobby. The open space in the middle of the photo used to contain an escalator, leading to the upper lobby and entrance to the auditorium.
Behind the
Hawaii Theater's raunchy present their is a rich history. Mr. Noppadol Rattanaboonsin (above), the current manager of the Hawaii and employee since it opened in 1973, claims that at 1,860, the
Hawaii has the largest seating capacity of any theater in Thailand ever. Throughout the 1970's and most of the 80's, he said, the Hawaii employed up to 40 full-time staff.

The original owner/operator of the
Hawaii Theater also owned the
New York Theater in Saphan Kwai and the
Asia Rama Theater in Pra Kanong. Whether or not he still owns them is unclear.
The ticket window, where it costs 50 baht for a ticket to watch pornography. All the facilities of the Hawaii Theater are on the 2nd floor
Looking down over noodle eaters, from the second level.
Second level, front. An escalator used to ascend between the white signs. The Hawaii was once quite nice.
This staircase is accessible from the rear of the lower level. Since the escalator was removed, this is the only way to get to the second level.Mr. Rattaboonsin was kind enough to give a little background as to the
Hawaii's current state of being. Showing pornography, he feels, is the only way to keep the place alive. It grosses approximately 1000 baht per day with its current x-rated line-up. The costs of rehabbing it are extremely high and there's not much else to do with it. So it's either XXX or abandonment, the latter of which still runs you the cost of paying property tax.
Personally, I think with a little marketing effort, some film distribution networking and a nice cleaningjob it would be a perfectly acceptable second-run theater, which would probably make even more money than it does selling porn. But I'm a bit of an idealist. The reality is that with the recent opening of the Skytrain extension to Wong Wian Yai, the property owner is probably just sitting on it until he gets a good price for the land. Next comes the wrecking crew and a condominium rises from the ruble. What a backwards world we live in!